Requirements for using Zenjob

At Zenjob, you work within the framework of temporary employment. There are strict legal requirements for this type of employment, which is why not everyone can use Zenjob.

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A young woman is sitting on her bike looking at the Zenjob requirements for signing up.

General requirements

  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Good German or English language skills
  • Valid identity card or passport
  • (if necessary, a valid residence title and work permit in Germany)
  • Valid certificate of enrolment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung)
  • German or European health insurance
  • German tax ID and social security number
  • A place of residence in Germany
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Who can use Zenjob?

  • Possible to register


    • who are enrolled at an officially recognised university
    • who study full-time
    • who have a valid certificate of enrolment
  • Not possible to register

    • You have a job subject to social insurance contributions (full-time or part-time).
    • You are doing a vocational training (Berufsausbildung, betriebliche Ausbildung, schulische Ausbildung).
    • You are studying part-time or at a vocational college (Berufsfachschule) or are doing a dual study programme.
    • You are doing a doctorate or taking a leave of absence (Urlaubssemester).
    • You are in short-time work, tenured, self-employed, on parental leave, registered as unemployed, retired, or doing a voluntary social year.
    • You are a pupil.
    • You have a Working Holiday Programme visa.

What students need to consider

As a student working in Germany, you should be aware of a few basic rules and regulations. Please note that regulations may differ for students without German or EU citizenship who are studying and working in Germany.

  • Max. weekly working hours

    If you are employed as a working student (Werkstudent), you may only work up to 20 hours per week during the lecture period to avoid paying social security contributions. At Zenjob, you usually don’t have to worry about this, as our employment is usually short-term (kurzfristige Beschäftigung). There is no weekly cap for students in short-term employment.

  • summer jobs

    Working full-time

    During the semester break, working students may work more than 20 hours per week without having to pay social security contributions because there are no classes or lectures to attend.

  • Earnings limits

    In principle, there is no general income limit for students in Germany. However, if you want your annual income to remain tax-free, or if you receive BAföG or have family insurance, you must observe certain limits.

Any other questions?

Learn how to sign up at Zenjob, what your employment relationship with Zenjob looks like, and how to master your first job.

Your onboardingYour employmentYour first job