Talents Privacy Statement

A. General information on privacy at Zenjob

Scope of this information
This privacy information applies to the processing of personal data involved in the process of applying to us as a talent.

Contact details
The Data Controller for your application is Zenjob SE, Saarbrückerstraße 21, 10405 Berlin, Germany.  You can reach our Data Protection Officer by:


B. Data processing when applying to us as a talent

Relevant data: Personal data that you provide to us as part of the application process. This includes in particular your login data (first and last name, e-mail and password) along with the talent data provided as part of the onboarding process, such as your address, date and place of birth, tax data, employment data; (social) insurance data, salary and accounting data plus university enrolment data and, if applicable, the information in your CV, the attachments thereto and in your cover letter (application data).

Purpose of processing: Carrying out the talent recruitment process and assessing professional suitability for the advertised position (Art. 6(1)(b) of the GDPR in conjunction with § 26 of the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz; BDSG)). We process the application data to determine whether you meet the requirement profiles of our clients (companies, service providers).

Categories of recipients: Your talent documents will only be shared internally with the departments that require them in order to evaluate your application and to appoint you. We do not pass any of this data on to third parties.

We transmit the application data to clients in the event you are taken on by them, provided that you have given us your consent beforehand. After receiving the application documents, the relevant client is also a Controller for the processing of your personal data.

Third-country transfers: We do not transfer data to any country outside the EU/EEA.

Duration of data storage: In the event that we are unable to find a suitable position with our clients and have to reject your application, we will store your data for a maximum of 6 months after the rejection is sent to the applicant.

If you have consented to being entered into the talent pool, we will store your data until you revoke your consent, but for no longer than ten years after you enter the pool.

Otherwise, we will store your talent data for the duration of your employment, or for however long we hold a talent profile for you at most.
Automated Document Review
In the future, Zenjob will be able to decide whether your document will be accepted or rejected by means of an automated process as part of the document review for the performance of the contract to which you are a party or on the basis of your request to take pre-contractual measures (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR). This concerns, among other things, the examination of driving licences, enrolment certificates, health certificates and language certificates. The case-by-case decision (acceptance/rejection) on your submitted document is also automated, without a Zenjob employee manually reviewing your submitted document again. If your document that is required for onboarding is rejected, e.g. your certificate of enrollment, you will not be able to use our App. If it is a document that is required for certain job categories, e.g. your driver’s license, and this is rejected, you will not be able to work in these job categories.
The automated decision on a case-by-case basis is necessary due to the large number of documents submitted and to enable faster onboarding within the meaning of the GDPR. Art. 22(2)(a) GDPR. You have the opportunity to contest the result of the automated case-by-case decision, to obtain a manual review and thus the intervention of an employee of ours, as well as to present your own point of view.

C. Training Data for Automated Document Review

We may use your personal data for artificial intelligence (AI) training purposes to improve and automate the quality and efficiency of our products and services. This applies in particular, but not exclusively, to all business processes that involve a review of documents that we as an employer must check and document due to legal requirements, such as health certificates, certificates of good conduct, forklift license, ZÜP, German certificates, enrollment certificates and driver’s licenses.
To do this, we will anonymize or pseudonymize the documents with your data, provided that this does not limit the training purpose of the AI to ensure that no direct conclusions can be drawn about your identity. In the event that anonymization or pseudonymization is not possible, jeopardizes the purpose of the training or represents a significant effort, we are committed to maintaining the highest security standards when using your data for AI training and to ensuring that your data remains confidential and protected.
This use of your data is solely for development, improvement and training purposes and does not affect your individual rights and privacy rights. The information obtained is solely for the purpose of automating our processes and for no other purpose.
To train the AI, we rely on an EU-based software manufacturer. The AI is trained with several documents as well as information and, depending on the type of information, processes different personal data such as first and last name, date of birth, address. A data processing agreement has been concluded with the software manufacturer. The data is not processed for the software manufacturer’s own purposes.
The training of an AI is carried out on the basis of our overriding legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR to comply with our legal obligations to process the information in the documents (Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR) in an efficient and time-saving manner.

D. Your rights

You have the right to request confirmation from us at any time as to whether we are processing your personal data and the right to disclosure of this personal data. In addition, you have the right to rectification, deletion and restriction of the data processing, as well as the right to object to the processing of the personal data at any time, or to revoke consent to the data processing at any time, or to request the transfer of data. All requests for information, disclosure requests, revocations or objections to data processing should be sent by email to [email protected] or to our Data Protection Officer. In addition, you have the right to contact a supervisory authority in the event of any privacy violations.